Saturday, October 6, 2012


It's hard for me to understand why things happen. Why is it that there is so much evil in this world? Why are there orphans? Why are children starving? Why are people hurting; physically, mentally, emotionally? I am reminded that we live in a spiritual world. A world where the enemy is trying to attack at any given moment. Especially us. Us as in, God's children, he will do whatever it takes to bring us down. He especially likes to use those who have a direct impact on our lives. Imagine if somebody came up to you from the street and told you how ugly you were and how they are disgusted by you. Well depending on who you are, you may be slightly offended or you really just might not care. I know for myself, I would probably laugh and say who are you? But, the devil likes to use those who can actually have an impact. He uses the people who we trust, who we look up to, who we love. He wants to break us. Why does he want to break us? So that we can search question our faith. As I look back at these years, people have attempted to destroy me as a person whether they realize it or not. But, I live for a God who is almighty and powerful; the alpha and the omega. As I sit here and think of where I have come from, I realize that I can accomplish anything. God has NEVER failed me, even when I deserved it the least. His grace truly does surpass any understanding. He has a plan for me. I feel that in the midst of chaos and pain that we experience, it is easy to feel hopeless. I am reminded time and time again that I will persevere. He will give me strength to accomplish anything. So don't worry, smile; your Father is the King of ALL Kings.