Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Ultimate Provider

SO MUCH ON MY MIND! Here we go...

This weekend played out to be like a movie. I went to work at FoHo knowing that it would be a massive snow storm yet thinking it will all be just fine :) WELLLLLL, that wasn't necessarily the case. Let me explain. Well come Saturday at work, I got to see snow fall!!! I loved it so much because this has not happened since 2008 when I was in Mammoth. It was absolutely amazing. For people to say there is no God just utterly blows my mind. So at work I was just enjoying God's little glimpse of Heaven! Life was great and my co-workers are just fabulous (seeing that two of them are my best friends).  On another note, God has truly blesses me with an amazing work place. I have such a wonderful boss who is such an awesome women of God. She pushes me to be the best that I can and encourages me to reach my goals! She makes sure to find away to allow me to still be employed at the place I love! So thank you Josie <3 Back to my crazy yet awesome weekend, well it was snowing pretty bad when I got off at 6pm so I asked a co-worker to drop me off at Feli's. I had to jump out super fast when we arrived to Felisha's because the people that drove me did not have chains and had to be careful to not break to fast or it could lead to a not so pretty situation.  So, I get to the house and dinner is made (yummmy) and we have a night full of laughter and manyyyy memories.

Well here comes Sunday also known as FUNday,, hahaha not quite. I wake up at 6am to get ready for work and since there was a blizzard that happened all night and was continuing to happen, my boss said she would pick me up to take me to work. She picks me up and I work in the coffee shop all day. Thanks to Megan who came to my rescue when I was bombarded right when we opened with men who NEEDED their coffee. The day was a pretty awesome day. I got to see the snow fall my ENTIRE shift while being able to laugh and have a great time with my fellow employees and customers. As 2pm is rolling around and I realize that my car is definitely not going to make it down the hill without chains, my Mom texts me and lets me know that Eric and my cousin would be coming up to rescue me lol. So that was a blessing to know that I would make it down the hill the same day, it was just a matter of time. 

Well my lovely co-worker Asja told me that she would take me to Felisha's so that I could pack my stuff up and be ready for when my Dad arrived. We are walking to the car and we asked the wonderful B&G guys if they would help us dig Asja's car out of the snow. Of course they said, "YES!" and the journey began. By the way, B&G deserves a lot more credit because they work their butts off. As Gabe and Jason are digging her car out, Asja is trying to start the car and it is not starting. In the mean time, since the guys wouldn't let me help, I am in awe of the snow and I'm snapping pictures left and right with my phone. As the guys finish digging the car out, Asja's car is still not starting! Come to find out, something is wrong with the ignition (or something of this sort) and the car needs to be towed. We thank the guys for their help and we begin to decide what the next move is going to be. It hit me that I should have my phone near me seeing that my rescue team is on their way but it is NO WHERE to be found. I start to panic a little because I was looking for it earlier but figured it was somewhere in the car. Well let me tell you something, it was NO WHERE in the car. My life began to crash because I thought, "there is no way I will find it in this snow, It's pouring down." Well sure enough I come to the conclusion that I dropped it somewhere in the snow while trying to get the car started, taking pictures and talking to Gabriel about how the world was ending. My heart began to melt because the ONLY thing I cared about was the 1000+ pictures I have saved on there. I began to think long an hard about what to do and it hit me, let's call my phone so that I can try to listen/feel for it in the snow (seeing that it was on vibrate). I kneeled to the ground and put my had on the ground. The next thing you know, the snow is vibrating!! I tore through that snow like I was unwrapping a new iphone at Christmas time, haha. Thanks be to God, it was still alive after being impacted in the snow for over 25 minutes. I knew Samsungs had to be good for something! lol.

The next move was to figure out how we would get to Felishas in order to pack my stuff. So it came down to walking. I'm not one to be all excited about walking a half a mile in insane weather but at this point, I did not care. So we began our journey! We were skipping in the snow being crazy as we headed down the hill. I really felt like I was in some kind of movie. Well at the end of it all, my rescuers made it up safe and put chains on my car. We all drove down the hill safely!! What more could I ask for? As we got down the hill, Asja and I had to eat. At this time it was 6pm and after fighting with the snow for 4 hours, we had had enough. We were beat yet we could not stop laughing while reminiscing the day. I went home and slept for about 11 hours :) Yay for rest.

Now for a transition, as I think about the weekend, I am reminded that God is truly the ultimate provider. In every single way, he has held my hand. Through the tears, losses, disappointments, fun, through it ALL.. he has been there.  A dear friend of mine has been texting me all day just wanting to know how it is that I have made it through these rough chapters in my life. I can say without a doubt that it wasn't because of what I did. It is not because I made smart decisions or because I was wise, it was the complete opposite. It has taken me a lot to become the women of God that I am. I still struggle every day with so many things but at the end of it all, I am grateful for God's everlasting grace and love.

Tonight at Nikos I was reminded of so many things and I would like to share one of them. A wonderful man of God decided to share his testimony tonight with all of us. As he expressess the trials he faced with losing his Father and needing a double lung transplant, my heart sunk. He then shared that he had cystic fibrosis and this is where I fell apart inside. My eyes watered up like a baby as this hits close to home. My younger cousin has cystic fibrosis and as a family we have dedicated a lot of time to raise money for this disease. The thing that really got me was to see the joy in Benny's eyes. He shared how he is so thankful that he is able to live. God has given him life when the Doctors promised him two years to live. It reminded me how big our God is. Why is it that we tremble when we face trials? We have a God who is mighty!!!!!!! I am just so grateful to hear this testimony because it was a great reminder to see that God is at work in all our lives.  Regardless of the disease, he still brings him praise and if you ever met Benny, you would only see that in him. He loves God and radiates with his presence.

With all of this said, I would just like everyone to sit back and look at their life (this is what I had to do). What is it that we complain about? What is it that brings us anxiety or fear? Whatever it may be, hand it over to God. He knows the path we are headed down so why not give him everything. He promises to never let us perish. My prayer for myself and for all of my loved ones is that we will accept God's grace and we will seek him in ALL times.  That we will have faith and never lose sight of his eternal promise. I pray that we will seek the lost through His love that radiates through us. Keep your head up everyone, we have the Ultimate Provider right next to us at all times <3

Here are some pictures of the beautiful snow that you may enjoy! Have a blessed week :D


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