Sunday, August 26, 2012

The time has come....

I'm getting married!!!.... Well to teeth anyways ;) Before I start my last year of Dental Hygiene School I wanted to catch everyone up on some highlights that happened these past months.

I finished my junior year of DH school and it was one of the most challenging things that I have experienced. I have learned that it takes so much discipline, passion and dedication to fulfill your dream. Dental hygiene truly is my dream and regardless of the hardships I have experienced while in school, it has made me a better clinician and made me realize that this career is no joke! I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who helped me make it through my spring and summer session. So many of my friends and family took time out of their crazy schedule to come be my patients (let me remind you that each appointment is 2 1/2 hours and it can take 2-5 appointments). I have truly been blessed with a huge support team through this past year.

 As summer session in school was winding down, I was able to work more at my jobs; the Baseball Stadium and Forest Home. At both jobs, I am so very thankful that I have Managers who support my schooling and work around my schedule. I recieved a promotion at the baseball stadium and this was great because it has given me a lot more experience. I now know how to give excellent customer service even when customers are yelling at me because we don't sell 50 cent jambalaya anymore, lol! I have built many friendships at the stadium this year and I know that many of these will be life-long.

Now to talk about my experience with Forest Home. Let me just say that this is the greatest, most awesome job that I have ever had. The atmosphere is amazing and the friendships that I have made are incredibly blessed by God. This summer was a little trying, I shall admit, but at the end of the day it helped build my character. I was able to see that in light of every situation, whether it be good or bad, God is at work. I was thankful to have brought friends and family up to FoHo this summer who were able to experience the amazingness of my job (zip-lining, kayaking, the lake, rock climbing, adventure course, hiking, milkshakes, etc.). I love the opportunities that I have had working at camp!

Other than school and work this summer, I have had random day trips that I was able to take, lol. Sometimes it was nice to feel stress free and to experience things that I enjoy. I went to many Angels games which I have a blast at every time. I experienced my very first football game with my favorite team (Go Greenbay)! I finally got my Disneyland pass that I have wanted for so long (patience). I went to many family birthday parties. I go to go to the beach quite a few times. ALSO, the love of my life came back home with her Momma after being gone for 5 months! I have learned that the little memories, mean the most sometimes. Laughs, to the point of tears, are definitely my highlight moments.

So as I sit here thinking of what is most important, my spiritual walk, I will admit that it has been a roller coaster. I have had many weak moments these past months. I found what it really means to carry someone's burdens along with my own. I will say that there were times where I wanted to sit there and cry but nothing would come out. The pain from the past continued to try and impede on my life. In some moments, I will say that I fell for the devil's attack. There were moments when I felt selfish, unforgiving, broken, not good enough, and just plain sad. I am still struggling with why people do the things they do, especially to those who they "love." But thankfully, in the midst of all of my struggles, God pulled me away and basically told me to open my eyes. He was able to remind me of where I am today and where I have come from. Many of you who read this and know my testimony, can say that it is not by chance that I am where I am today. God has used me in so many ways. So why all of a sudden would he stop?? Exactly, he wouldn't!

I even had an AMAZING experience today as I end my last day of summer. I have a friend who I absolutely adore. She is also an aspiring Dental Hygienist and I somewhat mentor her. Well as I meet with her periodically, I am able to share with her what school is like. She always asks me how I do it and I remind her that without God, I wouldn't be able to. School is physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausting. Over the past couple of months I shared with her more about God and also what I have been through. She wanted to know more seeing that she has never encountered a personal relationship with God. Well last week she came to church with me and loved it! I was so happy to see the excitement in her. She explained to me that she knows she wants something "more." Well today at church, she decided to give her life to God!!! It was an amazing experience for all of us, words couldn't even describe how she felt. And to be honest, I was shocked. I found that sometimes I feel like I am not doing my job as a Christian. So many of my friends are constantly hurting and searching for something more which leads them further from God. But I was reminded today that as long as I am His faithful servant, He will do the rest. So praise be to God that he now has another child in His Kingdom :)

As I enter this next year of my life, I ask for everyone's prayer. Prayer that God will continue to remain my main focus. I am living to fulfill His will for my life and sometimes I can tend to forget that in the midst of all the chaos. But, I am going full force into this next year and I know that God has some mighty things in store for me. Thank you so much for all of your support!!!! I love you guys.

1 comment:

  1. Gabby you are such a beautiful woman inside and out and I am blessed to know you. That is so exciting about your friend and it is such a good reminder about being faithful even when we fee like nothing is happening. -Josie
