Sunday, January 22, 2012


“Higher than the mountains that I face
Stronger than the power of the grave
Constant in the trial and the change
One thing... Remains
…Your love never fails, never gives up
Never runs out on me”

The words of this song are very overwhelming.  This past week I have been thinking a lot about my life and those around me.  I can honestly say that it has been a trialing week. I have been trying to find the place where God wants me. Personally, I know where I need to grow and build but how do I help those around me?

How do I show those around me that God desires for them to live this life full of abundant joy rather than temporary happiness? It breaks my heart to see many of my friends and loved ones struggle through their times alone when they do not have to.  In the song above, God’s truth is very clear that he is “constant through the trial and the change.”  God is there, waiting for us to reach out to him. This world is continuing to become more and more corrupt.  Things are not getting easier but that does not mean that we have to lose hope.

There is someone out there who desires to be our everything. He wants to open our eyes to the truth and show us how to have an everlasting life yet so many of us chose to reject Him. I know that for myself, I used to be that person.  I used to reject God and try to fill the void inside my life with things that led to “happiness.” Yet, those things were just temporary.  I am thankful that I found the truth that has allowed me to enjoy pure happiness.

Life is rough and things rarely go how we want them to but that is okay with me.  He continues to provide and I could not ask for anything more.  I am very blessed. We as a Nation, are very blessed.

Yesterday I was talking with a couple of my co-workers about missions and how I one day desire to be a missionary. We talked about how God has put it heavy on our hearts to help those in other countries who do not have the resources that we have here. In other countries they cannot seek help form their community because the overall country is full of despair. It reminded me of when I went to Haiti back in 2009.  That was a life changing trip where my heart fell in love with missionary work.  I feel like I can go on about the desire I have to be a missionary but maybe that can be saved for another blog :)

I would like to finish this post off by saying that I want to ask for prayer from anyone who reads this; prayer for God to continue to open my eyes and the eyes of those around me.  For my friends/ family who are reading this, I want you to know that I love you all very much.  I pray for so many of you daily and I hope that God can continue to work in our lives.

Last thought, this past week I was actually reunited with a great friend. He reminded me of the joy that he had brought to my life and how much I really missed him.  Sometimes we tend to forget the people who have helped us along the way and how much happiness they have brought us. After meeting up with my dear friend I thought a lot about our friendship and how I really feel that God desired for us to be friends for a reason. I may not know exactly what that reason is but ultimately, I am here for him and I know he is also here for me.  One thing I would like to say is that for all of you who have stuck by my side when things got rough, I appreciate it. School has consumed my life but I want you to all know that I truly value you guys.  I love you all very much :)


  1. Gabby, I am blessed to have you as a part of my life. God is constantly working through you and I am proud to say you're my bestfriend. <3 I am praying for you. Continue all of your hard work!

  2. I <3 You Gabby Lemos
